Senior Meredith Brown Tells Her ITAP Journey


The DePauw (TDP): What is ITAP?

Meredith Brown (MB): ITAP is the Informational Technology Associates Program at DePauw University. In this program, students begin with a full year of educational rotations in technology such as digital production, web design, digital music, app development, etc. After this, ITAP students have the opportunity to take on a paid internship based on their technological skills and background.


TDP: How has ITAP further influenced your educational learning?

MB: In my first semester in ITAP, I took a computer science course in Python coding. This broadened my educational horizon into a new way of thinking that I had never experienced before. Computer coding is essentially the key to modern marketing and online presence for companies, so this knowledge and understanding of coding helped propel me forward.


TDP: What was your ITAP presentation on? How did you decide on the topic?

MB: My ITAP presentation was on my experience as a TV Production and Design Teaching Assistant for Professor Larry Abed. I decided on this topic because we were supposed to reflect on our best ITAP experience during which we grew the most as a person. I feel that working with Larry has not only helped me understand TV production equipment and editing software, but it has also helped me understand so much more about myself in the process and grow into a better person.


TDP: Is there anything you would change about the ITAP program?

MB: I had a different experience in ITAP because I didn't join the program until my junior year, so I don't have much of a critique about how it was set up. I think that ITAP does a great job at educating you in the beginning and then allowing you to sort of find your niche as a technology intern on campus. I was very impressed with the program and my experience in the internship.


TDP: What will happen after you share your ITAP presentation with the community? Will you continue your research/learning of the topic?

MB:  Not much! But I do hope that Larry gains a great, passionate new TA from it.  It will be hard to leave after working with him for so long and learning how to help run the class, but I can only hope to pass my knoweldge and insight on to whoever takes on the position after me.


TDP: What has been your favorite part about being involved with ITAP?

MB: My favorite part about being involved with ITAP has been the freedom that it provides you. Coming into DePauw, I always thought that ITAP students were just the people that fix computers at the Help Desk. I never thought that I could be part of a program like ITAP, but Angie [Smock, Associate Coordinator of ITAP] was so flexible about helping me find a tech internship that aligned with my skills, interests and background. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience as a Teaching Assistant because I was able to still work with techology, while combining it with what I've learned in Media Fellows and my Communication major.


TDP: Would you suggest this program to other DePauw students?

MB: Yes, absolutely. In this day and age, it's so important to be educated about technology for the future job market. ITAP does a great job at giving you a broad-overview of different aspects that technology can be used and then you can really take one thing and run with it and become really good at it. Not to mention, it's a great way to get a little money on the side to pay for your weekend Marvin's.


TDP: Was it a rewarding experience in total?

MB: ITAP has been an incredibly rewarding experience for me. Because of my rotation in Python coding, I was able to work in Web Content Marketing for the United Nations World Food Program in Rome. And now, because of my background in technology combined with my communication major, I will be starting to work in Recruiting for an IT staffing firm in Indianapolis in June. Not only was I able to get a job from this experience, but I had a lot of fun doing it in the process!