Senior completes 'bucket list' in last days on campus


When people start assigning a number to my time left here at DePauw, I do my best to yell at them before they are actually able to say it. I don't need to know how many nights are left to go get a drink at the Duck. I don't need to know how many classes of college I have left (especially knowing I may never be a registered student in a school again).  And I really, really don't need to know how many days are left until graduation. It's just depressing — and completely surreal. 

But with the help of my friends, in knowing that our time is limited, I have made a college bucket list. And we've agreed on our common attitude towards completing this list: it will be completed, despite the finals we need to study for and thesis papers we need to finish writing. 

While the list may be ambitious, I consider it completely doable. Here's just a sample:

1. An afternoon on a pontoon boat at Raccoon Lake: As long as it finally stops raining, and despite the fact that the water's temperature is likely near-arctic, this will happen.

2. A trip to Cataract Falls: Somehow, in four years, I've still never been.

3. Tasting the $2 Tuesday margaritas at the Swizzle Stick: Which, from what I've heard, are strong enough to share with a friend.

4. A full round of campus golf: As long as I can find a tennis ball and a couple of golf clubs.

5. One more day on the porch of the fraternities: With Wiz Khalifa blasting for the prospective students to hear as they walk by on their tours.

6. And even one last late-night hang out with my roommates: Who will undoubtedly make me watch "Toddlers and Tiaras" on TLC, dress in onesies from Walmart and fill my head with every pop culture trivia fact I'd ever need to know.

 With my friends in tow, I truly hope I can cross every single item off with a red pen, along with many other iconic DePauw activities. So here's to you, fellow seniors. May you finish not only your seminar papers, but also your DePauw Bucket Lists. May you rise to the challenge and cross everything off your list. We can sleep when we graduate. 

As one friend said to me this weekend, it's not over until the day it's all over. Until then, it's just not over yet. Until then, we don't need to dwell on how much time we have left. Enjoying the time we do have left is the key. 

But, in looking forward, let me say this. First thing on the alumni bucket list: booking my trip back to Greencastle for Monon 2011.  

— Weed is a senior from Mission Hills, Kan., majoring in sociology. She is the graphic designer for The DePauw.