Semester yields three new reports of sexual assault


After a semester of increased emphasis on sexual assault prevention on campus, only three cases of sexual assault were reported to Public Safety, the same number as last semester. 

Director of Public Safety Angie Nally said the number surprises her as it is low for a campus having repeated discussions about sexual assault prevention. 

"Honestly, I think you should have the expectation that the number of reported cases should go up when you're having an awareness campaign and you're making such an effort to make sure that our campus and our resources are safe and approachable to receiving a student," Nally said. 

Initiatives including the red flag campaign and the lecture by Jackson Katz regarding bystander intervention aimed to bring awareness to the topic of sexual assault. Nally said these efforts were successful in generating conversation, but many students affected by sexual assault remain uncomfortable with the idea of reporting their cases or do not know the resources open to them on campus. 

Nally said many other cases of sexual assault over the semester likely went unreported. 

"I would not insinuate at all that the three that are in the activity log are the only instances of sexual assault on our campus this semester," Nally said. "Those three individuals made a report to Public Safety."


Contacts for victims and witnesses of

sexual assault:

• Women's Center — (765) 658-4173

• Sexual Assault Survivor Advocate — (765) 658-4650

• Public Safety — (765) 658-4261

• Student Life Office — 765) 658-4270

• Wellness Center — (765) 658-4555