Home News SAE to Begin Reestablishment of Chapter

SAE to Begin Reestablishment of Chapter

SAE to Begin Reestablishment of Chapter

Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) has begun laying the foundations for a return to DePauw University’s campus.

In April 2016, SAE’s Indiana Delta Chapter at DePauw was closed and all members expelled from the national fraternity, Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s Director of Communications Johnny Sao explained via email. This decision came in the wake of “health-and-safety violations” perpetrated by the chapter. Sao says that the status of SAE on DePauw’s campus as of February 2019 is that “there is no active chapter.”

This may be changing. During recent IFC recruitment, Sigma Alpha Epsilon sent a representative to give presentations as well as host interest meetings for those going through the process. Then, the representative held “individual meetings with students expressing interest in Sigma Alpha Epsilon,” according to Harwood.

In regards to the expected timeline of SAE’s recolonization, Harwood explains that “the national organization has submitted a plan that would cover the timeline for re-establishing the chapter with the interest group.” Ultimately, the process will be up to the Dean of Students Myrna Hernandez, but as of now, no decision has been made.

Currently, there have been ongoing repairs to the former fraternity house, suggesting a recolonization in the near future. However, according to Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life Dean Harwood, through email correspondence, the property is undergoing typical upkeep and “the national organization has indicated that their focus would be on developing the chapter, focusing on brotherhood and values, and that they would not return to the house until the chapter is fully established.” While a chapter on DePauw’s campus may eventually be formed, they would likely be unhoused as an organization for the years following indicated by Harwood.