Contestants begin the 5k race in the nature park. ZACH TAYLOR / THE DEPAUW
DePauw students anxiously waited for the official “okay” from the steering committee if the annual Little 5K would happen due to rain concerns. Heavy rain showers, lightning and thunder scares began late Tuesday afternoon, causing most runners to question whether the muddy trails would bring the race to a halt. However, a decision was made at 4:30 p.m. to keep the tradition going for a 5:00 p.m. race.
Students gathered under the shelter of the Nature Park Welcome Center as participants signed in, checked in and chose their race bib. Multiple weather jokes and scared faces continued to be the common warm-up routine.
Junior Meghan Oakley was especially worried, confessing to others, “Can we really run in this? This lighting and thunder makes me nervous for everyone out here.”
A few more meetings were held by the steering committee before the final announcement was made regarding points and the race. All participants who checked in and received a race bib were granted points for their organization without having to run the Little 5K. Due to the ongoing rain showers and thunder, the committee did not want any of to feel forced to run for fear of losing points. Attendance was the only factor necessary for this year's festivities.
Junior Steering Committee member, Elizabeth Netcher estimated that about 150 students showed up to the 5K out of the 184 people who originally signed up. She said the steering committee contacted the Nature Park and worked with the staff there to set up the event.
“The Nature Park has done previous events and has routes already set-ups,” she said, adding that the event was fairly easy to plan because it is an annual tradition.
The majority of participants ran the race after the countdown sounded at 5:15pm, while others decided to turn around to their cars and take the dry, safer route back home.
Prizes consisted of two tickets to the Qualifications, two tickets to the Grand Prix Race for the Indianapolis 500 and Indianapolis 500 promotional items.
Regrettably, there were problems with the signs marking the course in the Nature Park, leaving participants running in different directions and lengths on various courses. Despite the minor setbacks, the annual Little 5K race occurred successfully once again.