Presidential Search: Let Your Voice Be Heard


With the recent resignation of President Mark McCoy, the future of DePauw’s leadership could be in your hands. 

The presidential search committee just announced the members who will help fill the space soon to be vacated by McCoy after this year. Faculty, alumni, cabinet members, trustees and two current students are part of the committee assembled, with the help of Justin Christian ‘95, to recruit possible DePauw presidential candidates. 

Throughout the past few years the DePauw community has been advocating for change through protests, demonstrations, votes, letters to the editor and more. We have asked to be a part of  change and now we finally have the chance.

While a majority of the DePauw campus is not on the committee, that does not mean what we say and do is not important. Now is the time, more than ever, to step up and let those involved in the search hear our opinions and voices.

What we can do: 

  • Attend the student forums as opportunities present themselves (Tuesday, September 17 from 3:30-4:15 p.m. in Watson Forum).
  • Fill out surveys sent to the student body. 
  • Speak up, write an opinions article (please) or a letter to the editor. 
  • Email, the company DePauw is paying to conduct the presidential search.

Although the Watson Forum event is during class hours for some, there are still other opportunities for  student voices to be heard. We should demand transparency and availability in order to make this a collective decision influenced by the whole DePauw community. Do your part to be involved in the search. Do not forget that the future of DePauw.