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President McCoy to be inaugurated as 20th president on Saturday

On Saturday, Oct. 29 at 10:30 a.m., Mark McCoy will officially be inaugurated as DePauw University’s 20th president. At the event, attendees will not only hear about how McCoy hopes to impact Depauw’s campus during his term, but will learn more about the history of the University.

Before becoming University president, McCoy played an active role in revitalizing DePauw programs. As Dean of the School of Music, McCoy worked with campus initiatives such as the 21st Century Musician Initiative and the Silk Road Global Musician Workshop, along with actively raising money for both the School of Music and the University as a whole.

Since McCoy is not a new member of the DePauw faculty, his inauguration ceremony will be different than that of past presidents. Instead of focusing on welcoming McCoy to campus, the ceremony will instead serves as a “great opportunity to celebrate DePauw…[since] moments such as this in a college tells us where we are as a school,” McCoy said.

By gathering not only current DePauw faculty, staff, and students but also alumni, McCoy believes that those attending “[will] have a place to gather as a celebrate what DePauw was, is, and will be.” During the ceremony, attendees will hear speeches addressing the history of DePauw as a university, and will include work from DePauw community members such as Joseph Heithaus who will read one of his poems.

When reflecting on his new position, McCoy believes being president of the University is similar to being Dean of the School of Music only with a heavier load and a faster pace.

McCoy believes he has placed an emphasis on listening to the concerns of students and staff in order to hear what the DePauw community wants, and to help create a university based on what the community feels is important. In addition, McCoy hopes to improve the marketing and communication departments at DePauw. By revamping DePauw’s public relations, McCoy wants to “better tell the story of who DePauw is from the perspectives of those attending or working at the school.”

Some in the DePauw community are excited for the change. “[McCoy] will bring positive changes to campus that will further facilitate the culture of care among the student body,” said first-year Sarah Ande.

Some students were not aware the inauguration was taking place. “Well I didn’t know it was happening,” said senior, Elizabeth Seewer. “There wasn’t really like a goodbye ceremony for President Casey either, because I feel like there is a switch and the president hands off to the next one, but obviously that won’t be happening.”

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