Panhellenic Council gets $5,000 'confidence' grant


After writing a series of essays and filling out a stack of applications in late October, Panhellenic Council Vice President of Programming Shelby Bremer saw her work reap a reward Tuesday. 

Kappa Delta sorority awarded DePauw University's Panhellenic Council a grant of $5,000 as part of the sorority's Confidence U program. The program accepts applications for $5,000 grants for Panhellenic Councils across the country that promote confidence in women through various means. 

Bremer said Panhellenic events like the accountability seminar and the discussion with speaker River Hudson last semester promoted confidence among women on DePauw's campus. She said the council's holistic approach to confidence-building won DePauw the grant. 

"We also wanted to take a more long-term approach rather than having a confidence week or a confidence day or a confidence event," Bremer said. "We want to do semester or year-long smaller events that help instill confidence every day."

Following the success of River Houston's first discussion on campus, Bremer said she would like to see grant funding go toward having Houston return to campus. 

"We're trying to take what we've been doing and use this grant to make it even more impactful and to reach out to more people," Bremer said. 

Panhellenic Council will work with Interfraternity Council in the coming months to bring Houston to campus in order to promote further messages of confidence to men and women alike.