On your mark, get set, Little 5 told from alumni


"I enjoyed bringing Little 5 to DePauw's campus in 1956. It was a good idea to have an all campus event at the union building. The first Little 5 it rained, and was held on the track around the football field. the most interesting story was the solution to fix the wet tracks by lighting the corners of the track on fire with gasoline. it backfired because the fire left a lingering carbon mist that resulted in two broken legs and one broken arm. It's come along from then" Tim Ubben ‘58


“Fun times coming together to support our Kappa Kappa Gamma team with decorating and hanging a big sheet sign. Feeling the energy of the entire campus outdoors in celebration.  I remember decorating tricycles with a fraternity and having silly races against other sororities and fraternities.” Jennifer Meyers ‘91


“Little 5 was the perfect sport and venue to bring the entire student body together for fun, yet continue with highly competitive rivalries. In that same laundry room we encouraged 'tumbling' at Beta. This is where a female or male entered our jumbo commercial clothes dryer and we put a dime in for them to spin in the dryer. On occasion we had two bodies in the dryer for a 20 second spin and we call it the 'Tandem Tumble.'" Brad Morrow ‘90


“1989 it rained. Guys trained on stationary bikes in the Phi Kappa Psi laundry room.”  Brad Morrow ‘90


“We rode tricycles. It was fun and silly so no one was that serious. The way they train now is totally different. Now you have real cyclists. My favorite part was the campus involvement. Everyone cheered on everyone; attitude was fun. It wasn't about beating somebody. We bought t-shirts for Ubben and he rode the first lap or two” Judy Locke ‘58