We are embarking on another year at DePauw with the same enthusiasm and focus we had during the campaign season.
Over the summer, we established two standing committees to funnel concerns you may have. You can e-mail the Student Concerns Committee at dsg_studentconcerns@depauw.edu or the Academic Affairs Committee at dsg_academicaffairs@depauw.edu. These committees, headed by Executive VP, Mark Fadel, and VP Academic Life, Carroll Bible, will respond as quickly as possible with their feedback and guidance.
After concern was voiced from students and DSG last spring, it seems the proposed plan on hard alcohol will not be put into effect this year. With that said, the problem of unsafe practices with hard alcohol still persists on this campus, and this decision provides students with an opportunity to take the lead on creating a solution for this problem.
This is only the beginning of the concrete ideas we have put into effect. Continuing with our amendment to the constitution last year, elections will be held for five Allocation Board Members, five First-Year Senators, and the Vice President of Student Life from September 6-7. Applications can be picked up and returned to the Office of Student Life (UB 210). These applications are due no later than Aug. 29 at 4 p.m.
With another school year comes new student representatives on faculty committees. A list of committees needing student representation is on the DSG Website. If you click on the link for a specific committee you will find some a description of the committee charge and who serves on the committee. The Executive Board will appoint students who will be engaged and interested in the topics discussed by a particular committee.
Some upcoming student government events to remember are the campus-wide tailgate on Sept. 8 for the first home football game. Then, on Sept. 9 from 1-4 p.m., the first annual Student Government Retreat will take place, during which you will have the opportunity to learn more about student government. More information will be provided closer to the date.
We really are excited about this year and the opportunity you all have given us.
We will do our best not to let you down - know that, no matter the concern, we are here to listen to you. We take your concerns to heart in hopes that we can improve DePauw in an effective and lasting way.
Please continue inviting us to your meetings; we look forward to catching up once everyone returns to campus!
- Scully is a junior from Dallas, Texas, majoring in philosophy. Fadel is a junior from Cleveland, Ohio, majoring in biochemistry. They are student body president and vice president, respectively.