Make athletic centers more accessible


To say that I love soccer is an understatement. I've played, refereed and been a fan for quite some time.  As a member of DePauw Soccer Just For Fun, I play every Wednesday and Friday. I've also played IM soccer with my fraternity's team every Tuesday and Thursday for the past three weeks. Due to the large size of our team, our minutes were limited, so we started scrimmaging each other after our IM games were over.  However, we've faced numerous inconveniences and challenges that made it hard for us to actually use the facilities our lovely university provides for us.

It all began one night at 10 p.m. when we were somewhat rudely asked to leave the track and field center. The next time we played, they didn't ask us to leave, they simply shut the lights off.  This discourteous gesture made it very inconvenient for us to even leave the building.  A few days later my fraternity brothers decided to schedule a pick-up game but we found this impossible to do, as only student organizations are allowed to reserve times at the center.  Students must first check the schedule, made available only at the front desk of the facility, either in person or via phone, in order to determine whether the facility is available.

We called ahead, found an "available time" and showed up, only to be asked 20 minutes into our game to make way for the softball team, who couldn't play outside due to weather.  We played until being forced from the pitch.  Upon calling to check availability for later dates, I was told that, starting this Friday, the goals would only be outside, thereby barring all indoor soccer.

We all know that DePauw's athletic facilities are sub-par.  We've talked about expanding the Lilly Center, and it should be done, but in reality, that's only part of the problem.  This university has made it a point to create and promote a healthy lifestyle, but there is still work to be done.  Creating easier, friendlier ways to utilize the facilities we have is the next step.  I suggest the following changes: 

1) Keep the track and field facility open until 11 p.m. Lilly isn't big enough; so make up for it by lengthening the hours of operation at the other facilities.

2) Post facility numbers and schedules online. This will make it easier for students to find appropriate times. 

3) Let students reserve times and gear, such as soccer goals. Doesn't it seem odd that student organizations can reserve times, but not students?

These three steps will level the playing field, so to speak and make healthy activities more accessible for the greater student bodies.  The bottom line is, if we want to play, let us play and make it easier for us to do so.

— Gough is a sophomore from Wolcottville, Ind., majoring in history.