Letter to the Editor: Where are you, President Casey?


Four years ago, my husband and I shared an incredible experience with an auditorium full of other anxious parents and nervous first-year students as we dropped off our daughter to begin her time at DePauw. When I look back on the end of that emotional day, I see President Brian Casey addressing us during the Opening Convocation. He gave us a message which has stayed with me these past four years: "There are moments in life that have a before and an after. Today is one of those moments. You will remember what came before and what will follow after because this is an important time in the life of your student, of your family, and of yourself as a parent."

I have continued to be impressed by President Casey. He has been an exemplary leader at DePauw during our family's time here, and while I congratulate him on this next stage in his career, I am sorry that DePauw could not hold him longer. It was good news to read in "The DePauw" that Colgate University had arranged for interim leadership so he could finish out the academic year. Our family was looking forward to hearing inspiring and memorable parting words at my daughter's graduation, similar to the ones we heard from him that first day four years ago.

But as the year draws to a close, I am very disappointed to see that President Casey is a missing person at DePauw events. He was absent from the most recent Ubben Lecture, my daughter's Phi Betta Kappa initiation and the Academic Awards Convocation. I now doubt he will show at graduation.

Isn't Dr. Casey still employed as the president of DePauw? Or was there a transition that has not been announced? I am sure students, especially seniors, and maybe even staff members are asking the same questions about his notable absence. As such an engaged president, it has been sad to see him fizzle out as his time comes to a close.

Yes, President Casey, there are before and after moments in life, crystallized moments with clear memories of what came before and what follows. I hope you will give your students and DePauw such a last moment before you depart, or at least tell us why you just faded away.

Julanne Sausser