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Letter to the Editor


Dear Editor,

I want to publicly apologize to victims of sexual assault on our campus.  Let me explain.

I'm aware that sexual assault is a major problem on college campuses. I'm aware of the statistics concerning sexual assault. I've read the moving and powerful letters in The DePauw from victims of sexual assault. I've participated in vigils and worn my teal necktie to raise awareness of, and offer support to victims of, sexual assault.  However, sexual assault was not part of my personal experience.

Until recently when one of my students shared with me that she had been raped.  At DePauw. By a “friend.” While passed out.  At a fraternity.  Sexual assault was no longer an abstract, conceptual problem, but a concrete, real problem directly affecting someone I care about – one of my students.  Sexual assault now had a face, a name, a person, real pain, real tears, real consequences.  And real motivation for me to become more active in addressing the problem.

I am humbled and honored that this student shared her story with me, but I'm truly sorry that it took her situation to motivate me to get off my butt, understand and appreciate the extent and impact of sexual assault, and work to be an advocate.

I don't know what the solution to sexual assault is, but I do know that it's not up to the victims to solve the problem; rather, it's up to us non-victims (e.g., men, athletic teams, greek organizations, etc.) to admit there is a problem, face it head on, and work tirelessly to address the problem and find solutions.  Denying the problem, attributing it to “campus culture,” or blaming the victims (e.g., “women who get drunk are just getting what they deserve”) is unacceptable and deplorable.

I promise to better educate myself about sexual assault and more actively work with students, staff, and faculty on solutions.  And I ask everyone in our community to join in.  The status quo is completely unacceptable.


Douglas Harms

Professor of Computer Science and Bonner Scholar Faculty Advisor