Letter to the Editor


Dear Editors and Staff of The DePauw,

I am writing to you on behalf of the brothers of the Xi Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity. As many on DePauw’s campus have probably heard by now, our house has suffered a tragic loss in the form of our house dad, Monty Records, passing away early on Sunday. His passing was sudden, shocking, and utterly crushing to our house. Monty was exceptionally close to all of us and went above and beyond his role of house dad to serve our chapter. Monty made a concerted effort to know every brother on a personal level to the point that he really was not our house dad, but rather our friend.

When our house first heard the tragic news, many of us were right in the midst of the typical Sunday hustle and bustle. Once we learned what had happened, it was impossible to immediately return to normalcy. We knew so much would change for us on a day-to-day basis, and we would each have to be there for each other. The brotherhood we preached throughout our recruitment process would have to be put to the test. 

Our house is now in good spirits and ready to try and push forward. This would not be the case, however, were it not for the help and support we have received from all spectrums of the DePauw campus. Thank you for your outpouring support, and it is so nice to know we can all come together in moments like these. We’re all in this together.

In Hoc,

Robert Sherman ‘18

Tribune of Sigma Chi