Kudos to Casey and Hess for taking a position on HJR6


Yesterday President Brian Casey and Wabash College President Gregory D. Hess announced their decision to join with Freedom Indiana, a bipartisan grassroots coalition that opposes the Indiana State House's Joint Resolution 6 (HJR6).
In standing with Freedom Indiana, Casey and Hess affirmed that they do not support the proposed legislation that would change the constitutional definition of marriage in the state of Indiana and would deny legal protections for same-sex and unmarried couples and families.
We applaud the presidents for coming together for a cause they support regardless of the rivalry between the schools, but even more so for doing so in the midst of a capital campaign. Surely not all prospective donors will support Freedom Indiana, and there possibility exists that some may be offended by Casey's stance on the issue.
While it would be easy for Casey and Hess to stand by and watch as the battle continues into 2014 as to whether or not this amendment will carry, they have instead taken a position.
They stand alongside proponents of Freedom Indiana including Cummins Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce, Indiana University and many others, regardless of the repercussions, to support a cause in which they fully believe.
Not every day do university presidents announce their beliefs on an issue. Not every day do university presidents encourage political change. Not every day do university presidents speak up for what is right as opposed to solely focusing on the image of the university.
Yesterday was "that day."