In need of some SPAC-ing


There are so many things I love about DePauw. I love the greek system, my social life, my professors, my classes (with the exception of art history) and the overall atmosphere here. I can't tell you how many times I think to myself, "I definitely made the right decision by picking this place." However, there is one thing about DePauw that I absolutely hate with a fiery hot passion that burns deep within my soul: scheduling.

In the weeks leading up to the day I submit my preferences, I spend hours each day researching what classes I need for my major in addition to the core requirements I need to have done in order to graduate. I meet with my adviser, talk to current students in the classes and come up with a list of literally fifty alternates to the four main classes I want to be in. On top of all of that, I email every single professor with the following standard email:

Professor (insert name here),

I am really interested in (insert boring subject here) as I plan on majoring in (insert whichever major you think will perk their interest here). All my life I have wanted to study (insert whatever they teach here) but I never had the chance as high school was a dark time in my life where nothing brightened my day as they did not offer a class on (insert uninteresting subject here). I was wondering if there was any way to guarantee me a spot in your (insert lame class here). If not I was wondering if I could be put on the waitlist blah blah blah. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to respond to annoying students like myself.

Nicole Dobias

I try to make it as easy for the scheduling people as possible by putting in a ton of alternates as well as figuring out all of the class times and what would fit in best. But, as we all should know by now, nothing ever works out as planned when it comes to DePauw scheduling.

So, when the moment of truth comes, and it is time to check my schedule for next year, my heart beats fast in anticipation. My palms sweat as I log in to e-services. I click on the schedule for next semester and — drum-roll please — I get one class. Are you kidding me? I only have one class on my schedule? Out of all of the alternatives I gave them, I am still lacking three whole classes? Thanks DePauw, thanks so much.

So now the next round of work begins. I pull up my list and start emailing the professors yet again. I am absolutely stressed and am putting off studying and homework for this. I am so irritated — and writing this article only brings back the feelings of hatred I have towards the scheduling process.

It takes days for the professors to respond, and all they do is frustrate me more. "I'm sorry, as you can see my class is already full." Translation: better luck next time.

Finally, I fill in the rest of my schedule with lame courses no one wants to take. I check the classes daily to see if anyone has dropped one of the ones I want. Occasionally someone does and I am lucky if I can get signed up for it first, but it gets quite competitive. Sometimes a professor will email me when a vacant spot opens up. But the problem isn't just getting four classes, it is working them into the schedule you already have.

How am I supposed to graduate if I can't get into the classes I need? Supposedly, if you can't get into your classes, DePauw will give you a ninth semester here free of charge. But come on, I need to graduate with my friends! So please DePauw, help us out.

— Dobias is a freshman from Fishers, Ind., majoring in political science.