In brief: new siren at Julian


On Sept. 2 at 11 a.m., students heard the new tornado siren go off for the first time this school year.

A new tornado siren was placed on top of the Julian Science and Mathematics Center over the summer in order to promote safety on campus and throughout Greencastle.

The siren has been placed on top of Julian specifically because it is the highest central point on campus, ensuring that the siren will be audible for the entire community. Aside from the monthly testing, the Putnam County 911 Center is responsible for its sounding. The only time the siren will be triggered will be for severe weather.

In past years, the DePauw community relied on Greencastle's siren to inform them of bad weather, but the siren was judged too quiet. By having the school's own siren, more people will be able to hear and know when dangerous weather approaches.

The school has wanted a siren for several years and due to a recent alumni donation the purchase was made possible. Recent cases of severe weather in states — including Missouri, Alabama and Massachusetts — increased demand for an effective warning system.

"We have to think about the community of 3,000 people and we need to protect them," said Public Safety Emergency Management Coordinator Doug Cox.

Not only does the siren reach the DePauw community, but it also ranges across downtown Greencastle and Putnam County. The university's own siren ensures the safety of DePauw and the surrounding community.