Hubbard Center introduces LEAP


With the new LEAP program (Learning Through Experiential Learning Program), the Hubbard Center hopes to put a new emphasis on a variety of skills for graduates when they leave DePauw University, including networking and résumé building. 

“Many universities have four year plans, but we wanted to create a program that takes that four year plan and gives [students] an idea to put it into action,” said Deb Jones, one of the founders of LEAP.

The program will run a point and reward system. Students enrolled in the program are required to attend one mandatory “Networking Etiquette” workshop that will give them access to a wide alumni database. After the first mandatory workshop, students need to attend six additional LEAP events to gain six “LEAP points.” Students can choose what events to attend based on their specific interests. Erin Mahoney, who is in charge of the programming for LEAP, stressed the importance of students’ individual needs.

“We hope to be able to create a program that is of interest to all students,” Mahoney said. 

LEAP is unique in that it will be a campus-wide program, and won’t be limited to the Hubbard Center. Students will be able to receive LEAP points from a variety of different areas on campus, including study abroad programs. In addition, LEAP hopes to create connections with other campus program including ITAP, the McDermond Center and the School of Music.

 “I would like to see it become a vital part of the institution,” Jones said. 

 Jones hopes that LEAP can serve as a sort of recruiting tool for prospective students.  

“I hope that everybody will take advantage of [LEAP],” Jones said.

Students can find LEAP events listed on the Hubbard Center website. All LEAP approved events will be on the calendar located on Hubbard’s website. If students wish to RSVP for an event, they can do so through Tiger Tracks. Other LEAP events will be advertised in the Hubbard Center newsletter and on the television screen in the Hubbard Center.