Howey/DePauw Poll should encourage voters


The Howey/DePauw Poll hasn't nearly been publicized on campus as much as it shoud. But yesterday, the third in a series of four Howey/DePauw polls was released. The poll helps determine Indiana's favor for the upcoming gubernatorial, congressional and presidential elections.
Thursday's results showed that the Republican parties are leading in the governor and presidential races and that Republican Mourdock and Democrat Donnelly are close in numbers for Senate.
We have noticed a fair amount of buzz on upcoming elections. The College Republicans and Democrats have been working hard this semester to encourage students to register to vote and to be informed about candidates' platforms. This past week, Rock the Vote has been tabling at the Hub, stressing the importance of participating in the upcoming elections. As we mentioned earlier, Candy Crowley, who will be moderating the second president debate between President Barak Obama and Senator Mitt Romney on Oct. 16, was on campus this past Tuesday.
There are plenty tools and opportunities to help us keep up with what's going on with the 2012 Elections. Prior to DePauw, many of us would rub off the election year, thinking it didn't affect us, but this is certainly not the case. Turn on the news, read the New York Times, download apps on your phones (Talking Points Election 2012, The Guardian, Huffpost Election, etc.), and you can stay in tuned with the presidential elections.
Last, but not least, exercise your democratic right to choose this nation's leaders.