Freshman Senator Candidates


Adam May: Serving as a DePauw freshman senator is a responsibility that I would take very seriously. As a dedicated, goal-driven and hardworking individual, I am confident that I would fit perfectly in DePauw Student Government. As a freshman senator, I will strive to always be available to answer student concerns. I want DePauw students to be able to bring their problems or ideas to me at any time, whether during lunch, while walking to class or via email. I am very excited about this commitment, and I hope to demonstrate my enthusiasm through excellent work as a freshman senator.

Emily Ojika: It would be my greatest honor to participate in DSG, and I would make it my aim to hear all the voices of the unheard students of DePauw. This would include international students, minorities and others who may not have as big of a voice in the university. I am also passionate about the environmental aims of the community. To conclude, I would basically like to be the hands and feet of the DePauw Student Government, helping when help is needed and working hard to continue to advance the already fantastic rapport DePauw has with the student body and the rest of the city.

Ashley Steinkamp: In high school, I was a representative for my class. My roles included organizing the juniors against seniors annual Powderpuff football game, attending weekly Student Government meetings, planning a fall and spring pep rally for four years, helping write my high school's constitution, helping organize Special Olympics and chair "Mr. Longhorn," a male beauty competition. If I am elected as a member of the Senate for the Class of 2016, I will represent the class well, listen to my fellow classmates, encourage others to get involved and lead by example. I hope to bring enthusiasm, passion and school spirit to the Student Council at DePauw.

Colleen Whiting: In my few weeks here at DePauw, I have already fallen in love. DePauw has managed to somehow become my home away from home. When I visited last spring, I was stunned by how friendly this campus was and how the students seemed to have an intimate relationship with their school. My goal, if elected to Senate, would be to make sure everyone feels at home here. DePauw's student body is unique in its ability to embrace individuality yet remain cohesive. There are many different voices at DePauw, and I want to ensure that every one is heard.

Laurel Johnson: Running for a student government position was always a popularity contest in high school. This presents a problem seeing as those best suited for the position do not always win. I hope the results of this election bring the best representatives who are not only right for the position, but will represent the class properly. Even though we, as first years, have only been here for less than two weeks, I hope that everyone I have met knows I am an approachable, friendly person and if elected would take any concerns and ideas from fellow students, making sure that all students have a say in the decisions that affect our campus life.

Deanna Reder: Hey, Class of 2016, my name is Deanna Reder, and I'm asking you to vote me
to be on this year's freshman senate. Experiencing four years of student council has prepared me to be a leader here at DePauw.

As a senator, it would be my job to help host the monthly open forum where students can share their concerns to make the campus even better. One of my many ideas is for the students of DePauw an opportunity to rent bicycles for a day or the semester. This not only is a way of transportation but also eco-friendly.

Hailey Freres: Although there are many ways to spell Hailey, the spelling of my name is perfect for class senator. "H" is for honest. "A" is for accountable. "I" is for imaginative. "L" is for listener."E" is for effective. Last but not least, "Y" is for yours truly because as part of the Class of 2016, I will lead in making a difference. As senator, I will strive to give access to study areas at all times by ID card, make recycling easier in apartments, set money aside for senior seminar funds, preserve the cohesiveness of the Class of 2016 and most importantly keep DePauw a great place.

Katie Stack: As a class senator at DePauw University, I would put all my effort into making those around me happy - whether that is fellow senators, classmates or friends. Being a first year student at DePauw for approximately a week and a half, I don't know many people, and I don't know many problems or concerns around campus, but that is what makes me even more excited about this position. I am ready to meet everyone, and I am ready to help solve the problems! I am now officially a member of DePauw University's Class of 2016, and I am ready to do my part!

Ciera deCourcy: If I were to be elected as a freshman senator, I would be very dedicated to my work and try my hardest to have a positive effect on this campus. Not only would I love to take part in organizing and executing, but also I would work to represent honestly and accurately any concerns and ideas from our class to the full Senate. My role would be to communicate the needs and desires of our class and to do it in a way that helps us be heard and respected. I love this school already, and I really want to help us all have a great DePauw experience.

Joel Borders: I want all students at DePauw University to experience everything that DePauw has to offer, limited only by a student's need for sleep as Dean of Academic Life Pedar Foss says. I believe that joining student government will help me to fulfill this new purpose. I will be a hardworking, willing and happy representative for all students. I would take the responsibility of upholding the DePauw Student Government Constitution to heart. I would give my utmost all to improve DePauw in every way possible which is why there shouldn't be any conflict about choosing me to represent the freshmen class as first year senator.

Alexis Freund:When we first met in the Green Center for Performing Arts on our first day here at DePauw, we were asked the question, "What are you willing to put your name on?" At that moment, I realized I wanted our classes name on a legacy. Through innovation and hard work, I believe that we can hasten the renovation of the Lilly Center and advance the technology in our dorms. I want our freshmen class to be able to talk to me and tell me what they want from DePauw; and most importantly, I want to be able to take your ideas and get them done.