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Faculty Meeting Discusses Presidential Prospects, Admissions

Faculty Meeting Discusses Presidential Prospects, Admissions

At the faculty meeting on Monday, attendees discussed the presidential search, National Association for College Admissions Counselors (NACAC) changes, and the class of 2024.

Chair of the Presidential Search Committee and Board of Trustees member, Justin Christian, updated faculty on the presidential search. The committee hopes to have candidates in mind by next semester. Christian opened the mic up to faculty to provide their opinion on questions that they would like to be addressed during the search. 

Several questions posed by faculty included: how would the presidential prospective defend the liberal arts education; what does it mean to have a family-friendly community; how will the presidential prospective work as a liaison between the board and faculty?  

Bobby Andrews, vice president for enrollment management, announced a change in the NACAC. On Sept. 30, the NACAC voted to remove the provisions of their code of ethics and professional practice that may violate antitrust laws. 

According to Insider Higher Ed, “Those sections restrict colleges from offering incentives for early-decision applicants, prevent them from recruiting first-year undergraduates who have committed to another college and limit how they recruit transfer students.”

Andrews said during the meeting that “none of this will be beneficial to the students” and DePauw admissions will not “abandon their ethical principles.”

In addition to this announcement, Andrews expressed his confidence in the number of applications that DePauw has already received. Currently, there are over 230 more applications for the class of 2024 than this time last year for the class of 2023. 

David Berque updated faculty on the anticipated library construction that will begin around commencement. The construction plans are the same as the ones released in 2017