DSG update from president and vice president


DePauw Student Government (DSG) has worked tirelessly on several new initiatives with the collective goal of making DSG more transparent, accessible and effective.
The first annual student government retreat on Sept. 9 was a success. All four chambers of DSG - Senate, Representative, Allocation Board and Executive Board - met collectively to discuss the expectations of the year and brainstormed ideas of how to better reach the student body.
Under the new leadership of junior Maryclare Flores, the Representative Chamber discussed their focus for the year based on specific issues organizations face throughout the year. For example, they will discuss how to better utilize the Inn at DePauw's social space and how to create a better system of scheduling organizational events so less overlaps occur.
The Senate Chamber discussed how they could communicate with their classes in order to get feedback on student concerns. They also updated each other on the committees they have formed, including, but not limited to, DePauw Spirit, Course Registration System Changes and Campus Climate. The first event-by-event funding opportunity was last Sunday, Sept. 16 in UB 231 at 9 p.m.
The Allocations Board met for the first time with its newly-elected chamber and discussed the layout of their meetings and what changes they will see to the allocations process this year.
Outside of the board meetings, DSG hosted the Gold Zone tailgate on Sept. 8 in Blackstock Stadium. We were very happy to see many DePauw students come together and celebrate DePauw athletics. Our goal in this event was to provide a common ground for all students to converse, especially first-years who are not as familiar with the tailgating culture at DePauw.
A Senate Committee on DePauw Spirit has already collaborated with Stevie Baker-Watson on creating standing student sections in the football, soccer and basketball arenas. We applaud the students who have proactively began a Pep Club on campus to raise team spirit, and we hope to collaborate with them in the future to make sure their endeavors succeed. This is only a small step toward campus unity. We need more students be proud DePauw tigers and show spirit in any way possible.
As you may have noticed, DSG officials have taken on the task of ensuring that we create a safe and enjoyable environment. DSG's Campus Climate Committee and several other student organizations are working tirelessly to foster a safer campus environment, that is not stereotyped as a school that pushes its limits.
The Princeton Review's top party school rating has undoubtedly sparked many conversations on campus that have led us to reevaluate our priorities and reputation. We ask the students a simple question: when asked by a potential employer where you went to college, do you want them to question your collegiate experience due to rumors or do you want to feel very confident in your education due to facts? Take pride in the institution that you chose to attend and be conscious of how your actions affect others and DePauw.
As always, we are here to talk with you about your concerns and help you with any issue you have. We would not be in these positions if it were not for you, and we hope you continue to challenge us on issues and encourage us to seek more information.
Please invite us to your organizational meetings and keep us updated on any event you will be hosting.
Good luck with approaching exams, and we look forward to seeing you around campus.
Sara has office hours on Thursdays from 12 to 1 p.m. in Reese Hall - please do not hesitate to visit. Additionally, you can email dsg_studentconcerns@depauw.edu or dsg_academicaffairs@depauw.edu in order to inform us of any specific issues you have.

- Scully is a senior from Dallas, Texas, majoring in philosophy. Fadel is a senior from Cleveland, Ohio, majoring in biochemistry. They are student body president and vice president, respectively.