DSG prepares for Monon, shirts


The DePauw Student Government assembly meeting held Sunday had a strong focus on the 119th Monon Bell Classic this coming Saturday, Nov. 10.
Student government will sponsor two shuttle buses to Crawfordsville for the 119th Monon Bell Classic. The first bus will leave from the Union Building at 10 a.m., and the second bus will leave at 10:30 a.m.
Each bus will take another load of students to the game at 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. At the end of the game, the buses will be waiting to take students back to Greencastle. All of these buses are first come first serve, and a pamphlet of information will be given to each student when they board the bus.
Student government will hand out a total of 1625 119th Monon T-shirts - 300 smalls, 600 meduims, 500 larges, 150 extra larges, 50 extra larges and 25 triple extra larges available for free to students.
Student Body President Sara Scully said the T-shirts this year will be just as good as last year, but are costing the school less.
"We worked really hard to get the cheapest," Scully said. "They are one dollar cheaper than last year, so we are able to get more than we've had in past years. They are still going to be long sleeves and still good quality."
The shirts will be passed out at two different locations: in the outside dining area of the Hub on Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m. and Thursday and Friday from 9:20 a.m. until 5 p.m. T-shirts will also be given out at Ring Sing, a pep rally sponsored by Alpha Chi Omega. Ring Sing will be Thursday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Intramural fields. A two-dollar entry fee will go toward the Crawfordsville Family Crisis Shelter.
Director of Public Safety Angela Nally gave a Public Safety update reminding students to be careful while attending the game at Wabash College. She went over where students will be dropped off and outlined where specific DePauw tailgating areas are. She reminded students to be extra careful because the event will be monitored by the Crawfordsville Police.
Maryclare Flores, vice president for student life, gave a representative update. In this update, the re-recognition manual was passed. This manual determines re-recognition for an organization that missed a meeting.
An example given was if an organization lost recognition because an assembly member did not the assembly meeting Sunday night, that organization can only be recognized again at the next meeting Sunday, Nov. 11 at 8 p.m. in Julian 147. Otherwise, those students must wait until next semester to be recognized again.