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DSG meeting for student organization recognition


 Prospective student organizations have one shot each semester to pitch their idea to be recognized as an official club/organization at the DePauw Student Government meeting.

This past Sunday, Sept. 23, representatives from each student organization applying for recognition appealed to student senators and student representatives of recognized organization on campus. With a one-minute platform, these students explained their organization's function, the needs their organization could fill for DePauw and what this new club or organization will bring that other organizations are not contributing to campus life. 

In order to apply for recognition, these organizations were required to have both a faculty advisor supporting their organization and a written constitution.  After giving their one-minute platforms, those in attendance were given the opportunity to ask questions of the potential student organization's representative.  

After all platforms were given and questions were answered, student senators and student representatives voted on whether or not they believed each organization deserved to be recognized by the university.

The organizations that gained recognition are Anime Club, Art of Stepping, Happiness/Attitude, Kappa Alpha Psi (a collegiate Greek-letter fraternity with a predominantly African American membership), Lambda Sigma Upsilon (A Latino-oriented Greek-letter intercollegiate fraternity), Open Source Development, Photography, Pulse (dance club), Society of Professional Journalists, Young Americans for Liberty and Entrepreneurship Club.

Once recognized, these organizations are required to elect a student organizational representative to attend each assembly, which happens once a month. The student organizational representative attends the meeting, voices any concerns that members of the organization may have and can give input toward ideas and topics discussed at the meeting. The student organizational representatives then reports back to their specific student organization with any new information obtained from assembly.

All the approved clubs are now eligible to request funds from Allocations Board.

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