Despite weather, recruitment numbers strong


Rush ended Saturday and Sunday for Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council, respectively.

Last week's weather caused a minor issue, and Internet problems delayed Bid Night activities, but junior Mitch Turnbow, then the IFC vice president of recruitment, believes rush went well. Turnbow, now IFC's president, and other new members of the executive board transitioned into their new roles immediately following recruitment.

"It was a new process, and everyone was really understanding about what happened," Turnbow said. "The Internet in Greencastle went down so we were unable to use our software." 

The number of men who received bids was approximately 215, including open bids. 

Panhel also experienced a setback due to the weather. Still, senior Julia Rohm-Ensing, Panhel president, is pleased with how things ran. 

"I think it went very well," Rohm-Ensing said. "Obviously we had some setbacks with the weather so we didn't have a huge turnout for alternative rush, but overall it was great." 

Rush began with 254 potential new members, and 227 of those women completed the process and received bids.