DePauw University turns T.E.A.L. to spread awareness on sexual assault


Code T.E.A.L will kick off Teal Ribbon Week with the Alcohol and Rape Culture forum.
The forum will be hosted by President Casey and Director of the Women's Center, Sarah Ryan, and discuss the effect of our drinking culture and its affiliation with rape culture.
Feminista started Code T.E.A.L (Talk, Educate, Advocate and Listen), a sexual assault awareness campaign, two years ago with the support of the Women's Center. Currently, Code T.E.A.L is not a student-recognized organization, but rather an active student group of volunteers and publicity from DePauw Student Government and the Women's Center.
"Our goal is to get as many different groups of people involved on campus," senior Mike Curts said. "That includes greek, independent, identity affinity groups, every single surface and facet we have to offer at DePauw."
The importance of student advocacy is huge to Code T.E.A.L. because men and women are both susceptible to sexual assault. Statistics show that one in four women are affected by sexual assault and one in 33 men are affected.
This year, Teal Ribbon Week will have themed days starting Sunday, and continuing until Friday. Each day will have a forum and activities centered on a specific topic to promote discussion and action advocating positive awareness. These forums will allow men and women to open up to topics, questions, concerns and support regarding sexual assault on campus.
"It is exciting to raise awareness about some of these issues on campus and creating more of a dialogue on campus," senior Jillian Balser said.
All week Code T.E.A.L encourages students to 'Teal the Campus' with buttons, ribbons, pamphlets, sheet signs and bandanas provided in the Hub all week. On Friday, everyone is encouraged to wear teal.
"One of the most important things about Code T.E.A.L is that it makes people talk about things that most aren't comfortable talking about," Balser said. "But these are issues that need to be brought up in order to make changes."
During lunch on Monday, there will be a women's and men's identity discussion led by Code T.E.A.L representatives. That evening, greek-influenced discussions will be held in respective chapters.
"One of the issues with sexual assault is that people don't really know how to talk about it," Curts said. "We will have gender facilitated discussions because often men and women don't feel talking about this issue in a co-mingled environment."
On Tuesday, Campus Life will be hosting Mary Lambert in Thompson Recital Hall at 7 p.m. with a message about sex positivity and nourishment.
Lambert is a chart topping pop artist who co-wrote "Same Love" with Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. Lately, Lambert's single "She Keeps Me Warm" has hit the radio waves. Her concert will provide insight on how we can create an environment where individuals can hold one another accountable for sexual assault and how we can create a sex positive environment where people are not ashamed to show their sexual identity.
Wednesday's lunch-time panel will feature representatives from several public services including Public Safety, the judicial system and student life. The panel wants to help educate students so they are aware of how to react if a sexual assault survivor were to turn towards them for help.
"The first words definitely need to be the right words, especially when helping a survivor, largely because the first few moments are pretty key to making sure that they are mentally and physically healthy," Curts said, "then going down the line towards what steps need to be taken and all within his or her own pace.".
Friday is a symbolic rally event in the academic quad at 11:30 a.m. where students can participate in a silent walk around campus followed by the opportunity for students' testimonials.
"I am excited that it's a hot topic on campus because I feel like sexual assault is something that commonly gets overlooked even if it is a prevalent issue on campus," senior Clarissa Zingraf said. "The fact that it is in public light right now is really exciting so it is a great time for us to be out there doing these events."