DePauw Twitter world reacts


The DePauw tracked tweets from our Twitter account (@TheDePauw) from anyone we follow or tweets that were retweeted by our followers.

@VillaNavarrete (sophomore Anthony Navarrete): Just in: President @BarackObama will be making a statement at 10:30PM EST. Topic Unknown at this time. Weird! #fb

@Morgan_Burke (senior Morgan Burke): Well we've found Osama, the question is now, where is Obama? #Fb

@dietzspeaks (senior David Dietz): RT @JoeCWood Donald Trump won't believe Osama bin Laden is dead until he sees a death certificate.

@Phillip_Mann (Phillip Mann '06): Peace out Bin Laden.

@juliaabarr (sophomore Julia Abarr): Goodbye Bin Ladin! #USA #winning

@seutsler (senior Sarah Eutsler): And I hope someone is studying social media use to spread the #OsamaBinLaden news. Quite interesting explosion.

@laureneliz389 (junior Lauren Gregerson): Barack Obama: Doing what Bush never could! #USAUSAUSA

@LucyLang1st (junior Lucy First): So happy that we finally have some justive for 9/11. Still remembering those who were lost but wonderful news for the world! #victory

@cutieclark (senior Lauren Clark): How awesome would it be if Obama came out & gasped, "you guys would not BELIEVE the day I've had. soooooo cray cray."

@gobbles (freshman Hunter Goble): ATO is shooting fireworks in celebration of America

@Cmoemoney04 (junior Cymone Allen): is anybody else hearing these fireworks/gunshots right now?!

@KFLO_AudioDax (senior Matt Rivera) Obama's swag killed Bin Laden

@DJCummyBear (senior Nathan Cummins) whats interesting is how often the news has mentioned not only that Osama's dead, but that the US has possession of his body #imagery

@ZachWCrenshaw (freshman Zach Crenshaw) Signed my blog ‘God Bless America; over 3 hours ago.. Prophetic prediction about tonight

@jesuiskylie (sophomore Kylie Kaspar) Txt from my dad: "Good night Kylie. You now live in a safer world. But still be vigilant. Freedom, liberty and justice is always a fight."