A DePauw student is recovering after being hit by a car on Saturday, Aug. 31.
First-year Jack Woods had just parked his car and was crossing the street to go to Eli’s Books at 1:29 p.m. when David Sells, Greencastle resident, hit Woods with his SUV.
“It’s a blur to me,” Woods said. “You don’t feel the car hit you. Whatever happened in that brief 30 seconds-to-a-minute span, you just don’t remember it.”
Greencastle Police, along with the Greencastle Fire Department, were on the scene soon after and that’s where Woods’ memory picks up.
“The first thing I said when I woke up was, ‘Am I dreaming?’” Woods said. “I woke up in the street and the paramedics were asking me my name and birthday.”
He was conscious for the ambulance ride, and spent an estimated 6 hours at Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis before being discharged.
Woods suffered a bruised right hip, a head wound that required between 13 and 25 stitches and a minor concussion.
Blake Allen and Matt Pustay, DePauw baseball coaches, visited their player in the hospital and helped him get back to Greencastle after he was discharged.
“They were extremely supportive,” Woods said of Pustay and Allen. “Also, the paramedics were fantastic. Everyone was great.”
Woods got his stitches out Thursday, and will be cleared for baseball in the next two or three weeks. He still suffers from the side effects of his concussion, and has had to adjust his daily routine as a result.
“You have to do everything in little increments at a time,” Woods said. “Do something for 20 minutes, then take a break.”
Luckily, Woods hasn’t found his concussion to cause too much of a hassle academically.
“What’s funny was I had this brilliant idea of staying up on Friday night and getting ahead in all my classes, so basically whenever I come back to class fully healthy, I’ll be right on track,” he said.
As for post-accident wisdom, Woods kept it simple: “Obviously I didn’t see it coming, but if you see a car coming your way, move.”