Home Features DePauw Press Release: Faculty Pass Motion to Oppose SB202

DePauw Press Release: Faculty Pass Motion to Oppose SB202

DePauw Press Release: Faculty Pass Motion to Oppose SB202

During its regularly scheduled monthly meeting, the faculty of DePauw University
overwhelming passed a motion expressing camaraderie with their colleagues at public
universities across the state in opposition to Indiana SB 202.The motion reads as follows: “In solidarity with our colleagues at public universities across
Indiana, DePauw University faculty oppose Senate Bill 202: dangerous legislation that
limits academic freedom, undermines tenure and promotion policies, chills campus
speech across the political spectrum, and defunds crucial DEI initiatives.”
82 voting faculty members voted in favor of the motion; 2 voted in opposition and there
were 5 abstentions.
This marks the first time a private university has weighed in on the controversial
legislation currently under consideration in the Indiana State House.