DePauw Delta Gamma receives lectureship endowment


The Gamma Iota chapter of Delta Gamma sorority became the 20th chapter nationwide to endow the Delta Gamma Lectureships in Values and Ethics on Oct. 12 after raising $50,000 and receiving a challenge grant matching the amount.
DePauw's Delta Gamma chapter hopes to host its first speaker in the fall of 2014 and is currently in the process of choosing the candidate in collaboration with the Prindle Institute of Ethics, who has helped the sorority along the way.
"We have a couple people in mind," said senior Sarah House, president of Delta Gamma, about the upcoming speaker.
A committee of alumni, collegians and members of the Prindle Institute of Ethics is in the process of selecting the speaker and should be done by March.
To honor his 50th wedding anniversary to Dorothy Martin, Paul Martin founded the Delta Gamma Lectureships in Values and Ethics. The inaugural lectureship was held at the couple's alma mater, the University of Akron.
The Dorothy Garrett Martin Challenge began with $50,000 grants to help bring the lectureship to campuses across the country. The challenge grants have continued to be made possible through the support of alumnae and collegians.
Delta Gamma raised the original $50,000 through fundraising and donations. Their yearly events such as Delta Jamma and portion of fundraising from Anchor Splash went towards funding the lectureship.
"We have really super dedicated alumni who are absolutely willing to throw themselves 100 percent into reaching goals for our fraternity as a whole," said junior Delta Gamma Cassandra Gherardini.
The lectureship will not only benefit the members of Delta Gamma, but it is a way for the fraternity to engage the community by inviting speakers to address topics of values and ethics, members said.
"It is an awesome achievement for a small liberal arts school, and I think that it will benefit every single person on campus and the Greencastle community as well," senior Melissa Cobb added.
Chapters across the country have brought the likes of Colin Powell, Jeff Probst and Giuliana Rancic to their respective campuses with the help of the Delta Gamma Lectureship.
"I'm really excited for the university," House said. "Although DePauw brings in great speakers, it's really exciting to have a campus organization giving back to the community."