DePauw Announces New Plan for Fall 2020


DePauw announced its new plan for the fall semester in an email from President White and web update this afternoon. 

Students who will be allowed back include:

-First-year, sophomore (Class of 2023) and new transfer students who want to live and study on campus

-International students who must remain on campus due to travel and government regulations

-Students whose home environment is not conducive to academic success

-Students who exhibit particular academic risk

-Selected student leaders, including some RAs, peer mentors and organizational, and Greek leaders

If possible, all students will be welcomed back in the spring semester, with Juniors and Seniors having priority if necessary.

The plan will allow DePauw to provide single-occupancy rooms to each student and maximize cooperation with health and safety guidelines. 

A new fall semester schedule is in place as well:

-August 31, classes begin

-November 20, last day of on-campus classes

-November 23-27, Thanksgiving break

-December 18, End of exam period

There will be town hall meetings for each class in the coming days:

-Class of 2024 Sunday, July 26 at 7:30pm EDT

-Class of 2023 students and families (Sunday, July 26 at 9:00pm ED

-Class of 2022/2021  (Monday, July 27 at 7:30pm EDT)  

-International Students (Monday, July 27 at 9:00pm EDT) 

Individual questions are outlined in an online FAQ page, and individual student groups are planning information sessions in the coming days as well.