Colts May Kick off Football Season on DePauw's Campus


The Indianapolis Colts will not return to Anderson University for training camp this summer, and their new home could potentially be Blackstock Stadium.

The Colts have held their training camp at Anderson University for the past seven years, but a source told the Indianapolis Star that they will not be returning to Anderson and DePauw University was the leading candidate for hosting next year’s camp. Despite not hearing anything directly from the Colts, Athletic Director Stevie Baker-Watson says DePauw would be interested if given the opportunity.

“DePauw has been affiliated with Colts training camps for years,” Baker-Watson said. “Years ago when the Colts were choosing a destination for camp, long before Anderson, DePauw was in the running with Rose-Hulman. Obviously they chose Rose-Hulman, but it’s flattering to be back in consideration.”

Many students across campus are looking forward to hosting the Colts at DePauw, if the Colts were to choose DePauw. Sophomore Riley Allen has grown up a diehard Colts fan.

“Growing up in Indianapolis, I've been going to Colts games with my dad since about second or third grade,” Allen said. “I have been to a few summer practices at Anderson. It’s cool to see all the players up close before the season starts and see how the team was looking.”

Allen believes more DePauw students would come watch the Colts if training camp was held on their own campus.

“I probably would be more inclined to go to practices if they were held at DePauw,” said Allen. “Especially because they would be in closer proximity to my home in Indianapolis. I think it would be a lot of fun to get some friends and head over to DePauw to check out a practice or two.”

The team would use Blackstock Stadium, the Lily Center weight room, Hoover Hall, and living units of their choice. There’s a chance the Colts 2017 training camp will overlap with the DePauw football team’s preseason schedule, meaning both teams would have to share these facilities. Baker-Watson says that would be something DePauw would have to spend a lot of time planning around.

“Interesting would be one word to describe it,” Baker-Watson said. “But it might be a little chaotic. It’s not something we can’t work around though.”

Junior football player, Rocky Leffler says he would enjoy watching the Colts if they chose to come to DePauw.

“At some point we will probably have practices back-to-back,” Leffler said. “So it’ll be fun to see how they run their practices. Maybe we will even learn a thing or two from them.”

Having used DePauw’s facilities so much the past three years, Leffler believes the Colts will be impressed with them. “We have a great football field,” Leffler said. “They will love our weight room, and there are plenty of nice dorms for them to stay in. I think they will have a great experience if they choose to come here.”

Allen thinks DePauw would be a perfect fit for the Colts.

“We have newly renovated athletic facilities and fields, not to mention some pretty nice dorms that the players and staff would stay in,” Allen said. “Some modifications would probably have to be made to fully accommodate them, but I think DePauw would definitely be a suitable place to host an NFL team such as the Colts.”

Baker-Watson expects to be in contact with the Colts in the near future if they are truly interested.

“Now that the Colts have fired their GM (General Manager), conducted interviews, hired a new GM and endorsed their head coach, training camp might be on the top of their list of priorities,” Baker-Watson said. “I think Anderson usually announced the Colts’ return at the end of March, so I expect them to begin the process soon.”