Campus formal DeProm returns for second year


Prom isn't just for high school any more.

This Saturday, Union Board will host its second annual DeProm in the social space at The Inn at DePauw.

"DeProm was started because Union Board wanted to create an event that truly brought together the entire DePauw student community," said Union Board co-president Peter Haigh. "It is designed to be a campus-wide formal that would integrate all of the DePauw communities."  

Unlike the formal dances of high school years, DeProm is open to all university students, not just upperclassmen. Union Board organized the event for the first time last year.

"It was enormously successful last year, with over 500 students in attendance," Haigh said. "This year, we are hoping to build on that number and see even higher levels of attendance."

Students like senior Son Pham said that the decision to attend the first DeProm was based more on the event's novelty.

"It was the first time they had something like that," Pham said. "I went out of curiosity."  

The appeal of knowing a friend who decided to attend led others to make an appearance at the dance as well. 

"A lot of my friends were going, and they said to go, so I did," said sophomore Nat Meng.  

Haigh said that one of the biggest benefits of DeProm is its ability to attract a diverse population.

"Many greek chapters on our campus, as well as other student organizations, host their own formal dances," Haigh said. "We are hoping to attract students from all of the different communities at DePauw ... We want DeProm to truly be a campus-wide formal."  

Last year, DeProm was held in the Great Hall of the GCPA. This year it will be held in the social space at The Inn at DePauw. For some, the change in venue promises a welcome change from the size of the Great Hall, which they said was overwhelming and did not suit the event.

DeProm will be held this Saturday, from 9:30 p.m. until midnight. All students are welcome and encouraged to attend. There will be music, dancing, cookies and a photographer and backdrop for students to take free prom pictures.