The 58th presidential election looms over America as the days until the selection of our next leader dwindle. While choosing our next leader we must bear in mind what we as American citizens value and would like to see upheld or changed in society. Personally, when imagining my ideal presidential candidate, one element comes in mind that I believe is a fundamental asset to the relationship between the government and its citizens: government transparency. I have found this component to be lacking in our current political system. One particular area that makes me uneasy is the relationship between the government and pharmaceutical agencies. Are we really the land of the free and the home of the brave, or has corporate greed clouded our leaders of the fundamental rights America was built upon?
Questions have been raised about the mysterious deaths of twelve holistic doctors throughout the United States. All of the doctors died within around 90 days of each other and under mysterious circumstances. The question, however, is what do all of these doctors have in common?
These doctors promoted cannabis oil, particularly Gc protein Macrophage Activating Factor (GcMAF), which is a protein produced through the modification of a Vitamin-D binding protein. This protein has been proven to help those with autism and cancer. The biggest catch: it’s much more affordable than drugs sold by pharmaceutical companies.
One of the well-known late doctors, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, was notable for helping many patients survive late-stage cancers through the treatment of cannabis oil. Gonzalez’s death was disclosed as a heart attack, although the autopsy was never able to confirm this.
Other doctors found dead under mysterious circumstances were Dr. Jeff Bradstreet and Dr. Jeffrey Whiteside. Bradstreet was found in a river in an extremely secluded area with a “self-inflicted gunshot wound to the chest,” as described by the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Department. Bradstreet was a successful researcher of autism, who found a connection between the disorder and vaccines containing the affordable Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor. He ran into unknown conflicts with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which led to an FDA raid of his clinic right before his mysterious death.
Whiteside was found weeks after his questionable disappearance with a gunshot wound in his chest. His death was immediately deemed a suicide by the local police. Erin Elizabeth, who broke these stories to Health Nut News, cited that “even the local news there said that they made a mess of the investigation.”
An article by columnist Tim Brown on the Freedom Outpost brings up an interesting point on the media’s coverage of these mysterious deaths.
“One of the most perplexing questions is that many of these doctors were also authors and had been on television," Brown wrote. "Yet, with all of their notoriety, the mainstream media has failed to bring their deaths to the forefront in top news stories.”
While the disappearances of these twelve doctors are merely speculation, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen a strangely close relationship between prominent companies like Big Pharma and the American Justice System. While choosing our next president, we should bear in mind what we want from the leaders of our nation, and how truly free we would like our nation to be.