Home Opinion Beyond the Bubble: The London School of Economics

Beyond the Bubble: The London School of Economics


Summers away from DePauw are full of potential for new adventures, new experiences and much needed time to recharge.

While I do have an ongoing countdown until I to return to campus, I first am preparing to embark on a six-week summer school adventure at the London School of Economics. There I will be taking two, three-week long classes pertaining to marketing. A subject I have not been able to learn much about on campus at DePauw.

Communication between the school and students has been limited, and as I result I have no inkling what to except. Still I am excited to go across the pond and be immersed in all the culture London has to offer. Fellow students have posted pictures of the numerous markets, Buckingham Palace and beautiful landscapes just a brief train ride away.

Although I have been to Europe before, my bucket list of places to visit is constantly growing. There are so many places outside of Greencastle, Indiana and I hope to see them all one day. These six-weeks provide the opportunity to travel within the continent to France, Scotland and wherever else time allows.

My room at home is an organized, chaotic mess of all the clothing and miscellaneous items deemed necessary to have in London that must be consolidated into one checked bag. A nearly impossible task to accomplish; even with the countless excessively detailed to do lists.

A propensity for over packing remains a likely obstacle as the Fourth of July, and my departure, quickly approach.

Adding to the chaos is the entirely separate endeavor of packing for my return to DePauw, just 24 hours after returning to American soil. Luckily I never got around to unpacking most of it; so that remains a simplified task.

As I prepare to venture into the unknown I keep in mind everything I have learned on campus about acceptance and awareness of those who live their lives differently than myself. London is an entirely different place than Indiana and an awareness of that and willingness to adapt are invaluable.

11 days until I depart and watch fireworks light up the sky as I travel through the night.

I know the 54 days until I am back in Greencastle will quickly pass and I look forward to the unforgettable experiences I will have to tell once I return.