Ascena moves in, fashion bug moves out


Late last week, soon after the opening of the new Starbucks and the new bookstore, Ascena Retail Group announced they will relocate their online commerce distribution center to Greencastle.
Ascena Retail Group, owners of several clothing stores such as Maurice's, dressbarn and Justice, bought out Charming Shoppes'. Charming Shoppes' owns several plus-sized women's clothing stores under the name of Catherine's, Lane Bryant and Fashion Bug. New jobs will be created in Greencastle to meet expansion, production and distribution needs of the company.
Ascena Retail Group plans to expand upon the purchase they acquired from Charming Shoppes'. As a result of this relocation, jobs will be brought to Greencastle, which Brad Kelsheimer, vice president for Financial Affairs, says, will indirectly affect the university.
"A healthy Greencastle is a healthy DePauw," Kelsheimer said pointing to the importance of a strong economy in Greencastle. "It helps recruit students, faculty and staff and improves the experience for students."
Kelsheimer supports this claim by pointing to the fact that increased retail opportunities provide a greater incentive to have not only students come to DePauw, but also other professors.
"If you compare us against some other college towns that have a stronger economic base," he said. "You'll see more opportunities, more options for students."
Although there has not been news of a store, freshman Catherine Smith thinks that the relocation is a good thing.
"I think it's good that Greencastle is expanding and starting to get bigger companies coming to it, especially since it is so small," she said.
Mayor Susan Murray shares Kelsheimer's optimism for the relocation.
"It's an amazing thing," Murray said.
Ascena Retail Group had several incentives to relocate to Greencastle, specifically tax breaks both from Putnam County and the state of Indiana if they hire workers from this area.
However, Mayor Murray points to another incentive that made Greencastle appealing.
"They have a strong, reliable work force here," she said.
Yet, the timing of the multiple economic ventures in Greencastle is merely a coincidence.
"There's a lot of momentum in Greencastle and Putnam County right now," Kelsheimer said.
But Murray said there's always room for improvement.
"Economic development is something you work on all the time," Murray said.
Despite this economic gain for Greencastle, the Fashion Bug will close, according to Murray and a sales associate in the Greencastle store.