Art students put up their work for visitng prof., possible awards


Art students awaiting the Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition will have a suspenseful wait until Thursday, Feb. 9. With their works submitted, the students find out on that opening night if any of their pieces were selected for the gallery.

"The pieces that appear in the gallery are selected by a different juror each year," senior Lily Bonwich said. "Those works will fit their particular style or preference."

The juror, Tyler Lotz, associate professor of ceramics at Illinois State University, chooses works submitted by art students.

"We have up to four pieces that we can submit," Bonwich said. "We title them, date them, name them, then drop them off in the gallery itself."

After this point, students who have submitted pieces remain uninformed about the selection process until the opening night of the show.

"The juror will give an informal lecture before the show," Bonwich said. "That's when they can explain their choices."

Along with having a personal work on display, students also have the opportunity to receive awards.

"It's up to the juror," Bonwich said, "but they do give out awards."

There is another dramatic, not to mention a bit gloomy, facet of the show. "There is a rejection room," Bonwich said. "I've been trying to find it, but you need a key to get in."

Awaiting opening night can be a bit suspenseful, but confidence is still present. "I don't think all my pieces will be selected," Bonwich said. "But I'm pretty sure at least one of them will be."

The gallery was planned by the Art and Art History department, and will be available to view from Feb. 9-March 17 at Peeler Art Center.