Allocation Candidates


Adam Folta: My goal as a member of the Allocation Board would be to sustain the successful clubs and to seek out those with potential. I'm a very reasonable and understanding person that would be able to manage and fairly distribute the $205 that each student pays towards clubs. Because interests continually change, clubs will have to as well. Each class of students comes with different interests. The Class of 2012 likes different things than the Class of 2016. This requires open ears and an open mind to find out what people want. I'm willing to be a flexible board member that will meet the needs of the students. 

Molly Lazaron: I have always wanted to get involved in student government, but I never had the time to in high school. Now that I am in college and find I have more time to get involved, I am interested in becoming a part of student government. Thus, I have decided to apply for the Board of Allocations. I am a very organized person that completes everything in a timely manner. Furthermore, I am not afraid to speak up and contribute to conversations. I am a quick learner and strive to accomplish every task to the best of my abilities.  

Andi Mills: The first few questions I plan on asking include: What is this student group's end goal? And how will these funds help them obtain this goal? Having an open mind to each and every student organization will be another mindset of mine while attacking this position. Finally, it takes a dedicated person to make for a successful Allocations Board. I promise DePauw that I will be dedicated, hardworking and prompt when it comes to completing tasks.

Mark Weiss: If I am elected on the Board of Allocations, I will work to ensure that all clubs that make reasonable requests will receive some form of funding over the course of the year. Additionally, I will work to create a forum or some place to publish which clubs get what amount of funding in order to create more transparency between the student body and the Board of Allocations. Lastly, wasteful spending that favors only a few students will be reduced and eliminated while projects and events that have the opportunity to serve the great student body as a whole see additional support.

Oluwole Adeniran: As a member of the Allocations Board, I aim to let every organization's voice be heard and let resources be more equitably distributed based on how well the organizations plans positively impact the general student body and not be biased by the size of an organization or the historical trend of resource allocation to a particular organization in the student body. I will also bring diversity to the board and a new perspective on issues involving grey areas since I have never been on the Allocations Board.

Brooke Curtis: To combat backlash from student organizations and shorten the budget reviewing period, I would work on informing organizations of the rules and limitations of funding from the Allocations Board prior to budget submission. Lastly, I would like to create a process that will hold new student organizations accountable for stating that the organization will not require funding. This will prevent any new organizations from being recognized under false pretenses. With my previous experience as both a student representative and assembly member for Congress, I will be sure to represent the perspectives of student organizations if elected to the Allocations Board.

Hillary Egan: Having served as a member of the Allocations Board for the past two years, I am quite familiar with the inner workings, processes and requirements of the board. Furthermore, I am familiar with the past issues and problems that need to be addressed this year. My two years as an active board member and my desire to continue serving as a board member are clear indications of my commitment to the Allocations Board that speak for themselves. Though fresh, new faces are an important element to any University Board or organization, experienced and knowledgeable past members such as myself are vital to ensure the utmost efficiency.