Advice from IFC on first-years' first night out


The Interfraternal Council here at DePauw University is extremely excited to welcome all first-year students to fraternity property starting this Saturday, Oct. 12 at 10 p.m. On behalf of the entire council I would hope that all of you get as much out of DePauw's historic greek life as we have. We look forward to meeting each and every one of you.
We hope that all of you enjoy the excitement that lies in front of you, but hope that you understand that greek life is not about the parties; it is about the life-long friendships created from brother and sisterhood. With that in mind, we hope that all first-years interested in attending social events this Saturday will do so responsibly. For those who choose to drink, know your limits and that will help maximize your enjoyment this weekend and going forward.
IFC is proud of the advancements we have made to risk management over our tenure, and we all hope that you abide by the procedures in place. All first-years need to bring with them their DePauw Student ID card; these will be how you gain access into a chapter's event. Wristbands will be given upon arrival to each respective registered event. This is to ensure each attendee has checked in at the door. Both of these practices are for your security, as well as the chapters, whose event you are attending.
We understand the nervousness many first-years feel about venturing onto fraternity property for the first time, do not fret. DePauw's Greek system prides itself on its welcoming and friendly nature. With that said, 'pre-gaming' these events is not something that should be done. Pre-gaming is a risky form of drinking and puts yourself, as well as the chapter you are attending, in danger. And remember, many members of our Greek system abstain from drinking and enjoy the events as much as members who do choose to drink. If you are not interested in drinking, it is more than OK. Greek life events and drinking do not go hand-in-hand; the choice to partake is yours and yours alone.
It is important to remember that each of the Greek units you go to at DePauw is not only used to host parties. Members of the DePauw community live in each of these houses everyday. This may seem obvious, but we urge you to remember this when you are at events at each respective chapter. Please respect the chapter houses that you visit in the same manner that you would respect any other home you may be visiting.
     We cannot wait for you all to experience the many unique opportunities our Greek system provides. IFC would like to remind all the first-years that responsible behavior does not take away from the fun that you can have not only this weekend, but also the rest of your time at DePauw.
-- IFC