Advertise with The DePauw


WHY TDP: The DePauw is one of the most effective ways to publicize what your organization has to offer. Take advantage of the opportunity now with a range of advertising options.

OUR REACH: All eyes are on The DePauw and! We have a team of talented writers on and off-campus reporting on what matters most.

OUR READERS: The DePauw is the university's most comprehensive news source. Community members, students, alumni, and more view TDP as an essential information outlet featuring content that can't be found anywhere else.

PRINT Rates & Sizes

Full Page (8.75 in x 10.25 in): Black & White - $300; Color - $600
1/2 Page (4.25 in x 10.25 in or 5 in x 8.75 in): Black & White - $225; Color - $400
1/4 Page (4.25 in x 5 in or 2.25 in x 8.75 in): Black & White - $125; Color - $200
1.8 page (2 in x 5 in): Black & White - $75; Color - $150


Print advertisements should be submitted the Monday before the Wednesday print issue you want to place an ad in. Online advertisements can be purchased at any time and will be live on our website by noon on the first day you have requested.

If you are interested and would ask for further information, please send it to Murtaza Hassan, Business Manager at