A Guide to Monon from an Editorial Board That Has Never Been


Article written by Layla Brown-Clark, Mariam Lobjanidze, and Abby McArthur-Self

Monon season is among us, and your lovely editorial board is here to provide you with a guide to our tips for Monon. Have any of us been to a Monon game? No, but we have first-hand accounts of do’s and don’ts we’ve witnessed after being on this campus for three and four years respectively. 

  1. Go to the pep rally on Friday during the lunch hour at Stewart Plaza. DSG will be bribing you with free shirts. So indulge, indulge, indulge.
  2. Go to the tailgate for the mems because what’s Monon without a tailgate? 
  3. Eat a solid meal if you are going to drink before the game. No, coffee is not food and neither are energy drinks. 
  4. Wear warm clothes. No, you won’t look stupid. It'll be 36 degrees (or 2 degrees Celsius for all my lovely international students), please do us this one solid.
  5. Don’t drink too much. We know you will anyway but try to stay within your body’s alcohol tolerance limits. Remember, alcohol is a depressant: it makes you colder, not warmer.
  6. Flex your DePauw swag or Monon shirt. School spirit is at an all-time high, be in uniform!
  7. Print your ticket! This is a little extra but trust us, you do not want to be denied entry. 
  8. According to DePauw’s website, the following items are prohibited at the game: bags larger than 18"x14"x4", duffle bags, and bags with rollers, photography cameras with a lens that is greater than 6" in length, tripods, coolers, animals, coolers, outside food and beverages, excluding sealed water. So, don’t bring the whole world with you.
  9. Bring sealed water. After cheering Tigers, you will need water, and your body and your lungs will thank you for this. Stay hydrated!
  10. Take pictures after the game. You’ll totally want to see those pictures first thing in the morning after waking up with a bad hangover on Sunday. 
  11. Bring your polaroid camera and pose with Tyler the Tiger. (It’s a little sexist that we don’t have a female version of Tyler. Our suggestion is Taylor the Tiger.)
  12. Check Yik Yak for a laugh. Yes, two of three Editorial Board members have Yik Yak, so no TDP slander.
  13. Don’t wear red, or wear it if you’re feeling bold. You may be met with looks of disapproval.
  14. No homophobic or racist chants – plenty to hate about Wabash without being a bigot.
  15. Join the cheerleader’s chants and sing with the band. It’s free pep!

The Editorial Board wishes you a Happy Monon season, and may the odds be ever in DePauw’s favor!