Vehicle Theft From Kappa Alpha Theta And Phi Gamma Delta Parking Lots

DePauw Police car, photo by Gina Chuang '22

On Thursday October 29 between 12:30 a.m and 1:15 a.m. several cars had items stolen from them in the parking lots of Kappa Alpha Theta (Theta) Fraternity, Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity and the south quad area of DePauw’s campus, according to video footage.  

“They were entering unlocked vehicles so it wasn’t a break-in,” Charlene Shrewsbury, chief of DePauw Police Department, said. 

Video footage of the break-ins show two males attempting to get into every car in the parking lot of Theta. Junior Abby Pyburn, a member of Theta, had a lot of her personal belongings stolen. “My credit card, purse, insurance, wallet, and car keys were taken from my car,” Pyburn said. 

The incident was reported at 10:09 a.m. Thursday, October 29th and is currently under investigation, according to the DePauw Crime and Fire Log. The DePauw Police Department is working with the Greencastle Police Department to identify the subjects in the video evidence. 

An email was sent from Shrewsbury on Thursday afternoon to inform the DePauw community of the incident and to remind everyone to lock their cars. “Please remember to remove any valuables from plain view and to secure your vehicle when parked,” Shrewsbury said. 

Shrewsbury also wants any suspicious activity and information about the thefts to be reported. To contact DePauw Police, people can call their office at (765)658-5555 to file a report.