Sports Teams to Live Together in Spring


Student athletes will be housed together in spring, according to an email from DePauw’s athletic director, Stevie Baker-Watson. The university will use information from the housing survey due Nov. 6 to decide occupancy and location, but Baker-Watson said that the plan is to keep teams together as much as possible. However, students living in Greek houses will need to honor any housing contracts.

Baker-Watson also said that the spring term housing survey is “for planning purposes and not binding.” Students who did not respond to the survey would be considered remote for planning purposes, according to Baker-Watson.

Athletes are to plan as if they are playing competitive athletics when making their housing decision. Baker-Watson said, “We know that if the opportunity for competitive athletics changes, your decision to live on campus may do so, too.”

More information about spring competition will be shared following the NCAC Presidents meeting the second week of November.