Campus Cats and Where To Find Them


Looking for a stress reliever? One on-campus remedy has four paws, wide eyes and whiskers. Yes, we have campus cats. These cute furry creatures are often spotted on campus   taking a nap or scavenging for food.

We asked fellow students to name some of the frequently spotted cat locations (FSCLs) on campus. Here’s what they responded: 

      • The DePauw Inn parking lot
      • In the bushes next to the steps leading up to the Union Building
      • The Center for Spiritual Life
      • By the Admissions Building
      • Lucy Rowland Hall
      • The O’Hare House
      • South Quad
      • Olin
      • On Spring St., between Admissions and Myers Market, at a house on the left

While it may be tempting to invite a cat indoors, know that having one in your dorm room without the proper authorization can land you with a $150 fine. All this being said (exciting news, I know) please treat the cats with respect and be careful when petting them in case they get scared easily or scratch.