Prevo Library to Close in 2021

This quote was found on the Roy O. West cutout following Tuesday's faculty meeting. The writer is unknown. Photo credit: Elizabeth Cottingham

Prevo Science Library, housed on the first floor of Julian Science and Mathematics Center, is scheduled to close down in June 2021, according to an email from Jeannette Pope, Professor of Geosciences and head of the Strategic Planning Committee.

Rick Provine, director of libraries, would not confirm, saying that he and Anne Harris, Vice President for Academic Affairs, need to first address the faculty about changes concerning libraries. The next faculty meeting will be March 4.

While Prevo will not close until Summer 2021, the part-time administrators who work there will be laid off this June.

“I don’t like that. That’s (Prevo) where I spend a lot of my time as a biochemistry major--I rely on those resources,” said sophomore, Travis Owen.

The Strategic Planning Committee was neither consulted nor even informed about this choice. I just found out this morning,” said Pope. “Quite frankly, I don’t understand the logic of the decision, and I’m frustrated that Julian faculty haven’t been part of the conversation.”

Several Julian faculty members were contacted but none would comment due to the lack of communicated information.