Take advantage of your summers as a DePauw student



    This past summer I had the privilege of interning with a small technology company called Springbuk located in Indianapolis. I was able to secure this experience through a DePauw University connection, and it was an eye opening experience. All students should take advantage of their summers in some way, shape or form.

    Whether that is an internship, studying abroad, or even creating your own business, I think that getting out of your comfort zone is crucial to finding out what you want to do and, maybe even more importantly, not want to do after DePauw.

    In my experience, working in the heart of the city of Indianapolis was very cool, as this was my first “real” job. I was able to create unique connections amongst my coworkers and my capstone project even allowed me to present in front of the CEO and COO of the company. You learn so much about yourself when you take a risk and do something special with your summer. From learning the etiquette of the business world to gaining exposure in a multitude of departments across the company, I know that I will be bringing back valuable skills that I will utilize each day.

    It is easy to get by every summer and not take advantage of the experience you could gain in the summer. Even though it may seem out of your comfort zone, or flat out scary, take a leap of faith and apply for that internship you don’t think you could get. Study abroad in a place you have always wanted to go. Or, start the business you have always said would be a million dollar idea. Don’t let a great opportunity go to waste during the summer.