It's time to step up greek first years


Dear Greek students of the class of 2020,

To say I’m sad and embarrassed is an understatement. I walked into Thompson Recital Hall to a total of 19 students on Wednesday evening. Three fraternities and four sororities were represented.

I get that as DePauw students we are all busy. Some of us are involved in sports, we have classes during that time and midterms were this week and I understand that, but there were plenty of people at the meeting that had other things going on too. There are also plenty of independents that would have loved to voice their opinion on these issues that weren’t invited because they aren’t Greek.

We can’t spend our time complaining about a problem if we don’t want to be part of the conversation to fix it. This meeting wasn’t just about what the IFC presidents wrote about in their letter. It was about clearing up misconceptions about the policies implemented and where the future will take us as a school. It’s not about shutting down parties or getting rid of chapters on campus. It’s about creating a safe social environment that is inclusive and fun for everyone on campus.

As first years and specifically Greek first years, we have the most time left here; we can do the most to help the change. If there is one thing that could be taken from the meeting it was that we are the leaders of what is yet to come. I for one am excited about the possibilities and I wish more people would have been there to hear the information passed on.

It’s time for us to stand up and own the fact we complain about these things. Time and time again I hear students unhappy with their perception of campus social life but they don’t do anything to be part of the conversation. If you couldn’t make this meeting, how many people would be willing to email questions or concerns to the administrators?

Again, I understand that we all lead very busy lives and not everyone can make it, but to only have 19 people show up is a little underwhelming. It shows the administration that we aren’t willing to work with them to improve our own situation. It’s not us vs. them, and it’s not only up to the administration to change things. We need work together if we want what we say we want.

It should be a unified DePauw with faculty members working alongside students to change the conversation. I’m willing to put my name on wanting this change for not only current students but those who will join us in the future. Here’s to the next three years and an improved DePauw experience for all.

Bryttni Carpenter

Class of 2020