Public Safety prepares for Little 5


Most consider Little 5 one of the largest events on DePauw’s campus. With the grandiose nature of the event comes heavy preparation and monitoring by Public Safety.

According to Director of Public Safety Angela Nally, most of Public Safety's concerns regarding Little 5 have to do with crowd control and alcohol consumption levels. Thankfully, Nally noted, they are not starting from scratch and have previous Little 5s to reference.

“We start with looking at a physical map and making a request to Facilities to help with barricades and crown control gates,” Nally said. “We try to think through where the majority of the spectators will want to be, and we’re being mindful of the riders’ safety.”

Nally explained that, while Public Safety is not directly responsible for planning the riding, it is responsible for keeping spectators out of the riders' way. To ensure that no interference occurs, there will be designated crosswalks in higher activity areas, such as the start and finish lines, in addition to barricades.

In terms of alcohol consumption, Nally said, “It is a marathon and not a sprint.” She wants students to be mindful that long periods of drinking affect one differently than simply going out one night due to an already-existent blood alcohol level that gets built on the day after.

Nally also stressed the importance of asking for help when people may be in danger of getting too intoxicated.

“We really want to encourage people to have a good time, but don’t be the drama,” Nally continued, “We always want to encourage our students to call if someone needs help.”

Public Safety has met with chapter leadership and risk managers for events before and after the races to ensure student safety. Officers will be stationed at each intersection, as well as walking around high activity areas. Excise police were not invited to attend; however, Nally warns students to take caution in case they are present, as Public Safety does not know when they come to campus.

While there are minor route changes from previous years due to activity and damage on Hanna Street, Nally said the set up will still be the same with barricades and street closures, just in a different location. Nally also noted that the construction on campus should not interfere nor be interfered with during the event.