University named a top producer of Fulbright scholars


For the fourth consecutive year in a row DePauw has been featured in The "Chronicle of Higher Education" for being one of the top producers for U.S. Fulbright scholars.

In 2011 out of twenty-one applicants of who applied four were accepted. 2011 graduates Ashlee Anton, Kyle Inman, Chelsea Jonason and Stephen Worden received the scholarship of last year.

Inman, who was just featured in "The Chronicle for Higher Education," was one of the four students chosen nationally for the Fulbright-mtvU Fellowship program, which sends American students around the globe to study music and culture.

In 2010 there were two DePauw recipients of the Fulbright scholarship and in 2009 there were nine recipients.

English Professor Marnie McInnes said, "We are very pleased about DePauw being top national producer of Fulbrights."

The Fulbright program is an opportunity for students and scholars to go overseas to undertake a graduate study, advance research or to teach English at different levels of schooling. The program accepts 17,000 U.S. citizens to take part in the multiple Fulbright programs around the world.

DePauw students have been successful in working hard to be chosen for the Fulbright program and it displays the quality of academic work that these students strive to achieve.

"I think it's a great accomplishment for DePauw and it's students. It's really wonderful that we're tracking so many high quality students," Professor of Economics and Management Humberto Barreto said.

McInnes added that the ranking shows that DePauw students can compete with other top universities in the U.S.

DePauw has had many students interested in applying for the Fulbright program and it can be seen that they have been successful in the past.

McInnes expects the university to continue to have success.

"We've been doing well across the board and I think we will surpass our very respectable number of four in years to come. Our applicants are preparing hard and starting earlier," McInnes said.

McInnes encourages students to apply early.

"I always encourage sophomores and juniors to think ahead about countries in which they'd like to do research or teach English as a Fulbright scholar," McInnes said.