Jimmy Kimmel to speak at DePauw University Saturday


DePauw University’s next Ubben Lecture features Jimmy Kimmel as a part of Arts Fest tomorrow. Kimmel has made it clear he is most interested in speaking to students, so when the doors open, only DePauw students with a student ID will be allowed in.

Non-students will wait in the gym and take a number. If they do not get in, they can watch on a screen there.

Due to the expected popularity of the event, the seating process will be different than past lectures. Once the doors open, students will be ushered to a row, and there will be no saving seats, so Ken Owen,  executive director of of media reltaions, recommends that students stand in line with their friends if they want to sit together.

The line will start at 4:30 p.m., and doors will open at 6:15 p.m. At 6:45 p.m., the lecture will open to those waiting in the gym. The talk starts at 7:30 p.m.

“For the students who want to go, they need to know that they need to be in that line at some point, the sooner the better,” said Owen. “If they’re cavalier about it and they show up at 7:15, it’s going to be disappointing.”

Kresge Auditorium seats approximately 1,400 people, and Owen expects more people than available seats.

“I would be surprised if we had fewer than 2,500 people total who are engaged in some way,” he said.